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山内亮典ードイツの部屋ー アートで渡独中の山内氏から届くドイツ情報です(月1回更新予定)

2月末で休みに入りました。アトリエは使えるのですが、休みに入ると普段使える工房が休みに入ってしまい使えなくなったり、学生も どこかに出かけて行ったりしているので、先月に比べると校内は随分と静かになっています。
先日この学期最後のクラスミーティングがあったのですが、教授がこの2月で退官するので、このメンバーで作品について話し合うのはその日が最後でした。クラスで行った美術館では美術史を引き合いに出して話をする事が多く、実際の作品を通して美術史が繋がっている事を確認するような会話が多かったことに対し、生徒の作品について話し合う時は作品 のテーマや何を考えて制作しているかを中心に話し合うことが多かったです。


Hellow! I am Yamauchi.
My academy began a rest
in the end of February.
The atelier is usable, but
a studio stops, and the
student goes out some-
where, too. The campus
is very quieter than last
We had the last class
meeting in this term
several days ago. My
professor was this
February, and, for
retirement, as for talking
about a work in this class
members, the day was
the last.
In the art museum where
we went to for a visit in
a class in the past, we
often told that we invoked
history of art.(e.g. , we
confirm that history of art is
connected through a real work )
On the other hand, it was a
tendency to talk about
whether we thought , and we
produced theme and what of
the work when we talked
about the work of the student.
It does not have a feeling of
resistance that students
express a work by words.
For example" I don't know it
myself why I draw this motif "
It is difficult for me to still
make one's theme and
thought words , but the
work doing a work by words
concretely is interesting.
I come to Germany in this
March, and it is one year.
I still remember those days
that came well. Because I
decided only the rough
preparation and came to
Germany, it was only what
I knew for the first time.
I got ready to enter German
and a visa, the university
for half a year and often
spent time away from work
production and often got
A period to be in the univer-
sity was still five months,
but experienced a lot.
Rather than the experience
that the imagination doesn't
seem to be possible, there
is much experience to
notice that I was not able
to notice in Japan.
Now is one year soon first
of all. It is a state of mind
that got one end. It is an
impression that I run out
for one year.
A new professor comes the
next term and seems to
be able to have different
experiences again.
Then see you !


  ■アートハウスあいち 〒453-0013 名古屋市中村区亀島1-11-11 地下鉄東山線亀島駅4番出口徒歩3分 名古屋駅太閤通口より徒歩10分 

■MAP TEL&FAX;FAX052-700-5610  ■月曜定休 ■1階展示室/火〜日曜13:00-19:00 2階教室/火〜金曜11:00-19:00  土日10:00-18:00
