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山内亮典ードイツの部屋ー アートで渡独中の山内氏から届くドイツ情報です(不定期更新)

昨年の10月に大学生活が終わり、カールスルーエで引き続き制作していくことになりました。 4年住んだこの街で出来る事と、新しい街でやれる事とを考えてここに残り制作を続けることにしました。 大学を出たあと友人のおかげでアトリエも見つかり今は2人の卒業生と共に共同アトリエで制作しています。 彫刻やインスタレーション作家との共同アトリエは初めてのことで、制作に必要な環境の準備も必要になったため、先日はアトリエ内に壁を建てていました。


春の嵐もおさまり、そろそろカールスルーエにも春がきます。 3月末から3年間日本の大学院大学で博士として勉強しに行く友人と話をしていました。 別れ際日本で会おうと約束したことは新しい生活が始まっている事を感じさせる出来事でした。

It's been a long time!
My college life was over in October
of the last year, and I decided to produce it sequentially in Karlsruhe.
I think about what I can do in being
able to do it in Karlsruhe where I lived
in for four years and a new town. I decided to continue remainder
production here. I complete a university,
and an atelier is found on the coattails
of a friend, and I produce the work
with two graduates now in a public
atelier. Because I was the first time
that I used the atelier with a sculpture
artist and the installation artist jointly,
environmental preparations for
production were necessary and built
a wall the other day in an atelier.

There are a lot of public ateliers in
Karlsruhe and, by the event called
the gallery weekend, holds the
openings such as a gallery or
the art museum in the city on
the same day.
There is the place holding an open
atelier to it. When an artist stays in
this area after graduation, a system
to have you bear a part of the atelier
charges after graduation from the
area for three years is available.
Thus, there are many artists who
stay, and continue producing it
and is without moving in the big
cities of Berlin.
While an artist continues producing it,
it is a part of the activity that
many graduates and a young artist
face you for an opportunity of the
announcement or to make an
announcement opportunity voluntarily.
When I send a work for society,
a university and an atelier, the
activity of the Japanese artist of the
same generation encourage you very

I had Mr.Soma Mizutani of the friend
make my website the other day.
I want you to see it because you
update a new work or the exhibition
information in the new atelier at
any time.
The spring storm is slowed down, too,
and spring comes soon in Karlsruhe.
With the friend who went to study as
a doctor in a Japanese postgraduate
course university for three years from
the end of March, I talked the other day.
It was an event to let me feel that new
life began for me to have promised to
meet in Japan at parting.

Then, see you again!


  ■アートハウスあいち 〒453-0013 名古屋市中村区亀島1-11-11 地下鉄東山線亀島駅4番出口徒歩3分 名古屋駅太閤通口より徒歩10分 

■MAP TEL&FAX;FAX052-700-5610  ■月曜定休 ■1階展示室/火〜日曜13:00-19:00 2階教室/火〜金曜11:00-19:00  土日10:00-18:00
