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山内亮典ードイツの部屋ー アートで渡独中の山内氏から届くドイツ情報です(月1回更新予定)






Hellow! I am Yamauchi.
The number of times to
meet Mr. Marcel of a new
professor in comparison
with a previous term,
and to speak increases
and often speaks it about
a work concept recently.
Mr. Marcel's advice and
impression is a straight for
the work, therefore I can
give a simple answer and
judgment by myself for it.
I was not conscious of the
Japanese so far even if
in Germany. But I was
suggested by Mr.Marcel
"You think about your back-
ground ", and opportunities
being aware of it increase
to me now.

There are many planned
students leaving the class
in this term, and a class
meeting is an atmosphere
deserted a little "including
graduation student and in
hope of admission".
The number of the students
is uneven year by year ,and
it is examination-system letting
New student enter it for the
number of people of the vacant
seat.; Examination-system
is called "Aufnahmepr?fung",
I recommends that the student
hoping for admission and
auditor talks with one's
professor before this
examination. I was heard "the
recommends of the professor
was big", was able to understand
the meaning of finally these
words, now that I knew the
organization of the university
little by little.

Last month,I saw exhibition of
the Meistersch?ler.; Meister-
scholar is the best qualification
that a student can acquire as
an artist in a German univer-
sity of fine arts. It is conferred
on a student and a graduate
of the prominent ability inside
the frame of university
education. It is equivalent to
a graduate student in Japan.
It is one or two people, in
total around 20 display in
one class.
The photograph is a state
of the performances in the
openings. The contents of
the performance combined
instrument sound and a noise
comprised of a bleep with
body expression.They played
a trombone in a pond and they
assembled the constitution
of the play to the situation and
was interesting.

In addition, there was an event
called "Japantage" in Karlsruhe
and saw display.
When viewers enjoyed that
they knew the different culture
and way of thinking through
a work than they found an
answer for a work, I felt it
through a reaction and the
talks of the viewer.The site was
a meeting room of the univer-
sites which was not the univer-
sity which went, and therefore
a lot of viewers of the student
of a department of engineering
and the department of economics
felt the concept of the work when
it was simple, and the work which
I expressed was easy to
The live broadcasting of Miku
Hatsune was held (thing as for
the photograph at that time).
Looked for the first time,;but
The VOCALOID is interesting!
How to accept is different from
Japan abroad. The people who
the overseas people think,
"Japan is cool " than pleasure
to make, and listen seem to
be often found.

See you!


  ■アートハウスあいち 〒453-0013 名古屋市中村区亀島1-11-11 地下鉄東山線亀島駅4番出口徒歩3分 名古屋駅太閤通口より徒歩10分 

■MAP TEL&FAX;FAX052-700-5610  ■月曜定休 ■1階展示室/火〜日曜13:00-19:00 2階教室/火〜金曜11:00-19:00  土日10:00-18:00
